Grateful: Day 19, Hot Chocolate
Although it’s not officially winter yet, this Polar Blast situation has it feeling that way. It has given me the opportunity to teach my girls a valuable lesson. That lesson is: We have to drink hot chocolate to stay warm, but more importantly, we must use milk for the best results. For years, I’ve just let them use hot water. It’s easy enough to do on their own that way. Plus, that’s the way I drank it as a kid. But this weekend, I shared with them the secret to a better hot chocolate. It’s so much fun to do things like this with your children and watch their eyes…
Grateful: Day 18, Pedicures
Today, I went to the nail salon and got a pedicure. I’m grateful for time to myself. I don’t take for granted that it’s a privilege and a luxury to be able to pay someone else to pamper and polish my toe nails. I’m blessed to have feet, two healthy ones that work with no physical impairments or pains. I’m grateful. Read this series from the start by clicking here.
Grateful: Day 17, Fridays
I know it’s cliche, but thank God it’s Friday. I’m thankful for a break from the 9 to 5. I’m enjoying the extra downtime this evening with my family. Movie nights, fluffy robes and the abandonment of bedtimes. I’m grateful for Friday. Read this series from the start by clicking here.