Billie Jean
Tomorrow is Octoberfest at my daughter’s daycare, that’s their PC way to acknowledge Halloween. This year, the kids were asked to dress up like Michael Jackson. Mini-me’s class was assigned “Billie Jean” I was first disappointed because I remembered the outfit in that video was a bit plain. Why didn’t they get “Beat it”? But then again, it would be nearly impossible to find a red leather jacket for a little person…or was the red leather in Thriller? It doesn’t matter. Here’s my life-size doll in the outfit I put together from boys clothing found at the local thrift store. the bow tie is actually a hair bow. Happy Friday!

Mimi the Bee
Love. This.
She is cute as a button as they say. I love the outfit and you were so clever using the thrift store boys clothing. Great Job
Auntie Shirley
adorable. i remember the last time i saw baby girl, she couldnt hardly sit up. my lord. shes too cute.